MCC Educational Committee The purpose of the MCC Educational Committee is to monitor our educational system, and to help improve the conditions of our schools, and to hold the school corporation responsible for the education of our youth. Please answer the following questions by August 30, 2021.Name* First Last Email Your Neighborhood* Glen Ryan Aetna Miller Other 1. Do you believe our teachers should be certified to teach our children in PUBLIC schools?* Yes No I Don't Know 2. Are you satisfied with the quality of education our children receive in Gary Schools?* Yes No I Don't Know 3. Is the school curriculum broad enough to see positive results in our children's education?* Yes No I Don't Know 4. There are currently SEVEN charter schools in Gary, serving 5356 students. Do you feel charter schools would DECREASE in student population if the QUALITY of public schools IMPROVED?* Yes No I Don't Know 5. Do you feed we need MORE vocational/trade schools in the city of Gary?* Yes No I Don't Know CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.